Porn in its substance is not anything different from other genres. When we select the clips to insert in our pages dedicated to "Historical cumshots", we can notice how it changed and evolved over the decades. I honestly prefer the porn of today, but jealously guard the classics of the past years. Today, therefore, we suggest a little trip that leaves from the '70s, starting with a beautiful interracial threesome with two legends like Desiree Cousteau (which we have already proposed in a clip with John Holmes) and Rhonda Jo Pretty, from a diva who lived her heyday in the late 70's and 80's as Brooke West (pictured), and a meteor of exceptional talent as frenchie Jane Baker; a journey that ends in the '90s with one of the most talented italian divas, La Venere Bianca . Of her remember especially her beautiful "Doom Fighter", erotic version of the adventures of Lara Croft, but above all one of the earliest examples of hardcore movies with digital special effects. For see our new clips click the link “Historical cumshots”, on the right of our home page in the list of pages.
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